Well-known futurist and Google's Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil has envisioned what our future be like when we reach the ...

Well-known futurist and Google's Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil has envisioned what our future be like when we reach the "singularity." For someone who is said to have an 86% accuracy rate out of 147 predictions, he believes that we will reach that moment in time 30 years from now!
"2029 is the consistent date I have predicted for when an AI will pass a valid Turing test and therefore achieve human levels of intelligence. I have set the date 2045 for the ‘Singularity’ which is when we will multiply our effective intelligence a billion fold by merging with the intelligence we have created."
By definition, singularity is that point in time when all human technological advancements, particularly in artificial intelligence, will transform machines into thinking human replacements. It is expected that the dawn of super-intelligent machines will happen by 2047 and the process to reach singularity has already begun.
Our Response?
We all know it is going to happen sooner or later but the question remains, how will we accept it? It is inevitable that machines will soon eclipse his human masters in all aspects of intelligence, emotion and creative output. They can change the world in their own image and destroy humanity or coexist with humans as they should be. Even the known intellectual giants like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and even Bill Gates have already forewarned us about this dystopia.
Not all AIs are the same as they develop their own algorithms, their own quirks and faults much like the personalities of us humans. So when that time comes, they will be just like us. After all, artificial intelligence was developed from our own image.
Looking Ahead
Technology has always been progressing and it is always been its nature to improve. Only a mad man will design a technology that will overthrow us. Come to think of it, human perfection will be mediocrity in a future world dominated by artificial intelligence.
Kurzweil expected that by 2030, the technology we invented will be used to improve our brain power. Instead of robots taking over the world as the end point of our singularity, our future will be a synthesis of human society, cyberspace and artificial intelligence.
Kurzweil expected that by 2030, the technology we invented will be used to improve our brain power. Instead of robots taking over the world as the end point of our singularity, our future will be a synthesis of human society, cyberspace and artificial intelligence.
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