The Space Race remains as the most important aspect in the Cold War where a technological battle for global supremacy was waged betwee...

The Space Race remains as the most important aspect in the Cold War where a technological battle for global supremacy was waged between the United States and its Western allies against the Soviet Union and its Comintern comrades. But in June 20, 1969, the race may have been put to an end as American astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission finally landed on the moon with Neil 'Buzz' Aldrin bunny-hopping on the lunar landscape.
What if we live in a world where the hammer and sickle crimson flag is planted on the moon with the Soviets establishing lunar cities with nuclear missile silos?
Good thing that "Teknika Molodezhi" and "Yuny Tekhnik," the Russian versions of "Popular Science," gives us insights on how the Soviets would intend to do should they rule the space. It would have been a future of wonder and awe as future technology would allow man to colonize the space and even reach distant planets.
1. Space Cities
They have envisioned cities that may resemble that of science fiction films of that time. Lunar bases may have a giant laser gun that can destroy cities on Earth from New York to London. Such military facilities would also serve as their service station that will house spacecrafts that will bring in supply and personnel to the moon and other planets and then back to Earth.
2. Space Stations
The Soviets will likely build more space stations flying above the Earth's atmosphere. Space outposts will also fly in distant worlds from Saturn to Pluto. Space ships from long-distance flights, transport pods from the moon and supply ships from Earth will dock on the space station where they will be serviced before they proceed on their missions. How about weaponizing weather control by attacking enemy cities from above?

3. Space Mines
With Earth's fossil fuel and mineral resources depleting, the Soviets will likely embark on a massive prospecting initiative in search for alternative supply by mining for rare earth metals in Mars or establishing geothermal plants on Jupiter. Once our resources are exhausted, it will be essential that other planetary resources would be exploited otherwise it would be difficult to sustain life in other planets.
4. Going Beyond Our World
Once space stations, cities and colonies are set up, it would be possible to go beyond our immediate planetary neighborhood and perhaps initiate first contact with alien civilizations. Long-distance space travel would have been possible by then.
With Earth's fossil fuel and mineral resources depleting, the Soviets will likely embark on a massive prospecting initiative in search for alternative supply by mining for rare earth metals in Mars or establishing geothermal plants on Jupiter. Once our resources are exhausted, it will be essential that other planetary resources would be exploited otherwise it would be difficult to sustain life in other planets.

4. Going Beyond Our World
Once space stations, cities and colonies are set up, it would be possible to go beyond our immediate planetary neighborhood and perhaps initiate first contact with alien civilizations. Long-distance space travel would have been possible by then.

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