During the 1930s, many visionaries and futurists have envisioned future megacities dominated by skyscrapers that will cover the extent...
During the 1930s, many visionaries and futurists have envisioned future megacities dominated by skyscrapers that will cover the extents of the metropolis. Ever since the earliest skyscrapers were built in New York and Chicago, cities have been transformed from dirty and crowded underbelly of Victorian-era industrialized estates into high-density maze of streets and gargantuan monolithic monsters.
Futurism was the rage during that decade despite the looming war clouds of that time. As a result, architectures of totalitarian regimes like that of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had big influence in the way structures were envisioned in Batman's Gotham City or Superman's Metropolis.
The crowded, grimy and decrepit urban landscape is what these visionaries see in future cities as population increases and the growing shift from rural to urban. Merging monumental sculptures into modern skyscrapers is an homage to political ideologies of the time.
Will you live in a city like this?

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