The Venus Project is an ambitious vision to "future-proof" human society by reinventing human civilization and reinvent globa...

The Venus Project is an ambitious vision to "future-proof" human society by reinventing human civilization and reinvent global culture. Circular city planning is implemented with built-in farms and public transit with cities that accommodate millions of people taking us "beyond politics, poverty and war."
Future-proofing will help us survive a rapidly changing planet from increasing population to global warming. Experts believe that humanity as a whole must start from scratch with a new model that efficiently manage our technology and resources for the maximum benefit that live on this planet.
Visionary futurists Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows were the brainchild of the Venus Project. They believe that we are faced with choices as to how we achieve lasting peach and sustainability for all people in this world. An implementation of a global resourced-based economy together with a wide array of innovative and environmentally-friendly technologies directly applied to the social system, the project is envisioned to reduce crime, poverty, hunger, homelessness and other social ills that are common in today's world.

This system integrates automation and technology into an overall holistic socio-economic design where its main function is to maximize the quality of life.
Phase 1
The first phase of the project's long-term plans has already been completed with the construction of a 21-acre research center in Venus, Florida to help present the proposals of The Venus Project.
Phase 2
The second phase includes the production of documentaries to help introduce this direction to the world: "Paradise or Oblivion" and "The Choice is Ours."
Phase 3
The third phase is envisioned to put all the ideas into practice with the construction of an experimental research city. The goals and objectives are as follows:
- Realizing the declaration of the world’s resources as being the common heritage of all people.
- Transcending the artificial boundaries that currently and arbitrarily separate people.
- Replacing money-based nationalistic economies with a resource-based world economy.
- Assisting in stabilizing the world’s population through education and voluntary birth control.
- Reclaiming and restoring the natural environment to the best of our ability.
- Redesigning cities, transportation systems, agricultural industries, and industrial plants so that they are energy efficient, clean, and able to conveniently serve the needs of all people.
- Gradually outgrowing corporate entities and governments, (local, national, or supra-national) as means of social management.
- Sharing and applying new technologies for the benefit of all nations.
- Developing and using clean renewable energy sources.
- Manufacturing the highest quality products for the benefit of the world’s people.
- Requiring environmental impact studies prior to construction of any mega projects.
- Encouraging the widest range of creativity and incentive toward constructive endeavor.
- Outgrowing nationalism, bigotry, and prejudice through education.
- Eliminating elitism, technical or otherwise.
- Arriving at methodologies by careful research rather than random opinions.
- Enhancing communication in schools so that our language is relevant to the physical conditions of the world.
- Providing not only the necessities of life, but also offering challenges that stimulate the mind while emphasizing individuality rather than uniformity.
- Finally, preparing people intellectually and emotionally for the changes and challenges that lie ahead.
- Within the experimental city, a theme park is also planned that will both entertain and inform visitors about the possibilities for humane and environmentally friendly life-styles planned by The Venus Project. It will feature intelligent houses; high-efficiency, non polluting transportation systems; advanced computer technology; and a number of other innovations that can add value to the lives of all people – in a very short period of time.

Once the experimental city is established, a circular city would be the transitional phase that will evolve from a semi-cooperative, money-oriented society to a more resource-based economy. With this prototype, a series of cities will be constructed throughout the world. Progress will be dependent on the fund availability raised during the early stages of the plan. Once these communities develop and become sustainable, they may become the basis of a new "future-proof" civilization.
Obviously, no one can actually predict the future but can only extrapolate on present information and trends on population growth, technological change, worldwide environmental conditions, and available resource. The proponents believe that the Venus Project is neither Utopian nor Orwellian, nor does it reflect the dreams of impractical idealists. Instead, it presents attainable goals requiring only the intelligent application of what we already know. The only limitations are those which we impose upon ourselves.
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