Now that the future has finally arrived with Marty McFly arriving safely in 2015 without the flying cars, hoverboards, and despicably ...

Now that the future has finally arrived with Marty McFly arriving safely in 2015 without the flying cars, hoverboards, and despicably old Biff Tannen in our own timeline. What would be our world like if we time travel 30 years into the future with our own Delorean time machine with Doc Emmett Brown as our travel guide?
Increasing Dependence on Robots
Advancements in artificial intelligence and nanotechnology will make robots cheaper and more reliable than ever before so that we will become more dependent on automatons to do the dirty jobs and even the more menial tasks for us. Advances in sensor technology and new research that adapts biomechanics to machines suggest that soft-skinned robots will soon walk among us. If you're looking for a burger in a major city, need sightseeing help after getting off a plane, or need a caregiver for an elderly parent, there's little question that the best applicant will be a robot.
Soon we will become bionic men as we integrate machine into our own bodies. Lightweight exoskeletons and bionics will mean that people living with disabilities may have a physical advantage over able-bodied individuals.
All Encompassing Social Network Governing the Way We Live
We have gripes on social network over the issues of privacy and the way it controls our day-to-day life. Well, we all know it's going to happen and sooner or later, we will lose our free will as social networks will learn more about us than what we know so that it will anticipate every single aspect of our own existence. Whenever we use our computer or smartphone, artificial intelligence and other forms of algorithms already know what we intend to do - whether we buy something online, listen to our favorite music or download the latest games.
Our personal network will no longer be a circle of friends that we personally know but a hyperlocal grid where all of our mobile devices connect to each other seamlessly and automatically when in close proximity.
Growing connectivity in our gadgets would mean like this: when you wake up, your bed could signal your coffee maker so that by the time you reach it, there's a piping hot cup of java waiting for you. Get up from that comfy recliner and walk up the stairs so both device signal the lights in the room you were just in and automatically turn them off. Pull up to your favorite dining establishment and the car signals the wait staff to get your table ready and pre-order your favorite meal.
Wearable Biometrics
Soon, we may no longer need our company ID or car keys when everything is no embedded on you. No more hassles of pulling out your credit card when everything is transmitted through RFID and other wireless technologies.
Self-Driving Cars
Since we already have GPS and other advanced navigation technologies, it's a no brainer that self-driving cars are the future of human transportation.
Personal Data Centers
Everything that you ever need to know will now be stored digitally so that paper will be eradicated as we digitize everything. All data will be automatically processed, analyzed and interpreted from your bank statements to your medical history. These intelligent devices will not only be artificially intelligent, but artificially sentient as well!
Changing Lifestyles
By now, we will be geared towards automation that humans will be relegated to button pushers as we remote control our lives. Artificial intelligence will decide what's best for us and what course of action we should take in order to achieve and efficient and optimum life as possible.
Businesses Will Become Social Enterprises
In 30 years, companies will form and dissolve spontaneously to meet social needs with fewer people saying, "I work for this company" and more people saying, "I work on this issue." A blurring between nonprofits and for-profit may also occur as more "for profit" companies take on more of a social mission -- along the lines of today's Benefit Corporations.
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