Have you ever imagined a future when humans become immortals? A time in hundreds of years ahead of time where no one has to 'die...

Have you ever imagined a future when humans become immortals? A time in hundreds of years ahead of time where no one has to 'die' and anyone can be rebooted and bring back to life. There is no 'Fountain of Youth' but humans have always been fascinated in extending one's lifespan. Our technological advancements will enable us to conquer our own mortality.
Future humans will soon towards the virtual world as we try to create digital carbon copy of ourselves that will live forever. Such development would involve technologies that include:
- Creation of a working computer model of a nematode's brain
- Studying the activity of separate neurons in the human brain
- Scanning of insect brains
- Creating a working model of a snail's nervous system
- Creating a computer model of an insect's brain
- Developing a full connectome map of a human brain
- Creating a rough model of the human brain
- Creating an accurate model of a mouse brain
- Retrieving images and memories from a mammal's brain
- Decoding memory mechanisms and extracting specific memories from the human brain
- Creating a "brain-computer" connection system
- Replacing the damaged parts of the brain with neuroimplants
- Creating a model of a particular person's brain capable of self-awareness and reflexion
- Transferring the personality into a computer using scanning, neuroimplants and nanorobots

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