Have you ever imagined a future when humans become immortals? A time in hundreds of years ahead of time where no one has to 'die...

Have you ever imagined a future when humans become immortals? A time in hundreds of years ahead of time where no one has to 'die' and anyone can be rebooted and bring back to life. There is no 'Fountain of Youth' but humans have always been fascinated in extending one's lifespan. Our technological advancements will enable us to conquer our own mortality.
Advancements in medical care and nanotechnology will make it possible to 'repair' our human body with the help of nanobots that will do all the maintenance and restoration of internal organs from heart to brain. Soon humans will become a living computer system. Such development would involve technologies that include:
- Nanomechanisms for targeted drug delivery and destroying tumores
- Diagnostics based on nanosensors
- Microrobots designed for curing thrombosis and dilating blood vessels
- Bionanorobots - living cells programmed to perform specific tasks inside the body
- Nanomechanisms capable of performing functions of specific cells
- Nanobiomechanisms capable of integrating into a cell, repairing it and controlling the genome
- Fully-functional nanorobots capable of self-replicating and synthesizing any organic structures
- Replacing most of the cells in the human body with nanomechanisms
- Nanomechanisms that can connect to neurons and transmit information to an external computer
- Replacing neurons with nanorobots - computerization of the brain
- Gradual transfer of brain functions to the computer
- Constant multilevel backup of the personality in the international distributed computer network

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