We always thought of our ideal future as the pinnacle of human advancement with all the technological marvels. Unfortunately, future vis...

We always thought of our ideal future as the pinnacle of human advancement with all the technological marvels. Unfortunately, future visionaries and prophecies have always fell short when it comes to predicting future fashion trends especially on the way we look. This is the reason why sci-fi characters have the weirdest and out-of-these-world hair styles that would even rival Donald Trump's furball!
If we have a portal into the future, we should not be surprise if Elvis Presley's thick sideburns, Jimmi Hendrix's lush afro and even Saddam Hussein's bushy mustache would never go out of style. There are also specimens that we wish, never existed at all! There are also the iconic hairs that made these characters famous like Princess Leia from Star Wars with her "ensaymada"-style locks (as seen above).

In the 2000 film "Battlefield Earth," John Travolta plays Terl, the leader of the Psychlos (an humanoid alien race in the year 3000). Travolta's character seems like a white-washed rastafarian with bedraggled dreadlocks.

Interestingly, blonde hair go well with African-American characters as long it doesn't come along with garish, clowny costumes. In Luc Besson's 1997 sci-fi epic "The Fifth Element," Chris Tucker portrays interstellar, bisexual disc jockey Ruby Rhod with its annoying bottle-blond hairstyle,. Interestingly, it prominently features some sort of phallic cannon protruding from his forehead.

Not to be outdone, Gary Oldman's character Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg has the worst toupee of all with clean-shave sides and back, jet-black bangs and guess what - a soul patch!

Princess Leia looks hot on her pony-tail as Jabba the Hut's slave but imagine and picture out James Bond on that same look? Isn't it revolting? Well, Sean Connery did took the plunge by portraying the character Zed in the forgettable 1974 bomb "Zardoz." Dear oh dear!
He was one of the pony-tailed warriors of the post-apocalyptic band of Exterminators who wander the earth in 2193. If you can resist his hair and pornstar mustache, how about his suspender-supported red undies?

Just like Travolta's character, the 2003 hit "The Matrix Reloaded" has a pair of albino twins with ebony white dreadlocks. These guys look like the whitewashed characters of "White Chicks."
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