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Friday, March 14



Cities of Future Past: Welthauptstadt Germania (1943)

What if the Nazis won World War 2? Adolf Hitler would have made Berlin as the world capital as his megalomaniac dream will come into fr...

What if the Nazis won World War 2? Adolf Hitler would have made Berlin as the world capital as his megalomaniac dream will come into fruition with Albert Speer plan showing a redesigned city to be called "Germania."

The renewal project Welthauptstadt Germania will have monolithic, gargantuan structures of epic scale that celebrates total victory of the Nazi regime. Some projects, such as the creation of a great East-West city axis, which included broadening Charlottenburger Chaussee (today Straße des 17. Juni) and placing the Berlin victory column in the centre, far away from the Reichstag, where it originally stood, were successfully completed. Others, however, such as the creation of the Große Halle (Great Hall), had to be shelved owing to the beginning of war.

A great number of the old buildings in many of the planned construction areas were, however, demolished before the war and eventually defeat stopped the plans.

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