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Dressing Up for Future Tomorrow (1930)

It has always been a fascination for fashionistas and common people as to what the future fashion trends would be like. Many writers h...

It has always been a fascination for fashionistas and common people as to what the future fashion trends would be like. Many writers have envisioned a future where people would wear a more streamlined, uniform like design as if people would wear raincoat or a bodysuit similar to a radioactive hazmat. In fact, contemporary visionaries during that era viewed future fashion influenced by current fashion trends.

One of the classic films was "Things to Come" where it depicted what future clothing would look like in 2036. It would be ridiculous if the normal wear a century from now would be cantilever shoes, an aluminum dress and even an electric built. Who would have thought that we have now embedded wearable technologies so that sensors can examine your physical fitness and turn on LED lights.

Future fashion as envisioned in films are somewhat influenced in classical fashion that we see in ancient Rome and Middle East. Some versions are integration of our Stone Age past and futuristic alien technology that we see on science fiction films like that of Stargate where have classic ancient Egyptian costumes that also doubles as an alien suit.

During its heydays in the 1930s and the 1950s, pulp science fiction magazines have set the fashion trends for the Space Age with colorful cover arts of manly men and womanly women. There was a craze for shiny body suits so that we will wear it like uniforms. If we ever live on Mars, we can no longer wear our favorite Hawaiian shirt of course.

There will be robots and automatons that will serve you at your beckon call. Fembots and femme fatales would be like that of Austin Powers and James Bond films. If that is what future fashion would be then count me in!

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