There has been a big buzz about the "new" movie directed by Robert Rodriguez and it's not another blockbuster superhero m...

There has been a big buzz about the "new" movie directed by Robert Rodriguez and it's not another blockbuster superhero movie nor a remake of an older one. It is fittingly called "100 Years" as it will be hidden in a vault so that no one will see it. Why?
The movie, which stars veteran actor John Malkovich, will be shown on November 18, 2115. Yes, 100 years into the future! It's a very intriguing idea and we would wonder if the world will still exist when that time comes. We're pretty sure that both Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Malkovich won't be on the film premiere as they will both long gone. Perhaps, their cloned versions will be there or maybe they already pre-recorded videos with their 2115 Oscar Awards for Best Actor and Director acceptance speech.
It seems that there is a public relation stunt on it was Louis XIII cognac who funded this undertaking as a reference to how cognac takes 100 years to produce.
Interestingly, an article from i09 presented this scenario as to how this movie premier would take place provided that no one will forget about the movie a century from now. "They are sending out metal movie tickets to about 1,000 influential people inviting them to invite their descendants to a screening exactly one century from today. At that time, they’ll grab an old projector (the movie will be preserved on film stock) and press play."
Will that actually happen? Who knows. But the people making Louis XIII cognac today are doing so for people who won't be able to drink it until 2115. So why not a movie?
Interestingly, an article from i09 presented this scenario as to how this movie premier would take place provided that no one will forget about the movie a century from now. "They are sending out metal movie tickets to about 1,000 influential people inviting them to invite their descendants to a screening exactly one century from today. At that time, they’ll grab an old projector (the movie will be preserved on film stock) and press play."
Will that actually happen? Who knows. But the people making Louis XIII cognac today are doing so for people who won't be able to drink it until 2115. So why not a movie?
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