We recently looked at an episode of the CBS show "The 21st Century," hosted by Walter Cronkite titled, "At Home, 2001....
We recently looked at an episode of the CBS show "The 21st Century," hosted by Walter Cronkite titled, "At Home, 2001." Originally airing on March 12, 1967, the show took viewers of the late 1960s to the futuristic world of the year 2001. In the future, news would be delivered by a satellite feed and stories could be printed out at the touch of a button.
This console provides a summary of news relayed by satellite from all over the world. Now to get a newspaper copy for permanent reference I just turn this button, and out it comes. When I’ve finished catching up on the news I might check the latest weather. This same screen can give me the latest report on the stocks I might own.
You might recognize this newspaper printer from another concept video from 1967 by Philco-Ford called 1999 A.D.
Source: Gizmodo
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