Have you ever imagined a future when humans become immortals? A time in hundreds of years ahead of time where no one has to 'die...

Have you ever imagined a future when humans become immortals? A time in hundreds of years ahead of time where no one has to 'die' and anyone can be rebooted and bring back to life. There is no 'Fountain of Youth' but humans have always been fascinated in extending one's lifespan. Our technological advancements will enable us to conquer our own mortality.
It is expected that we can preserve the body of person who passed away and revive it back to life years, decades and even centuries into the future. When you put someone in suspended animation, it is like putting them in a time capsule. Such development would involve technologies that include:
- Improving the technology of freezing organs for transplantation
- Improving the cocktail of stem cells, growth factors and cytokines used for restoring frozen organs
- Screening cryoprotectants that reduce freezing damage
- Restoring the activity of brain tissue segments
- Improving 3D- and layer-by-layer brain scanning technologies
- Preserving nematodes' memory and behavior reflexes during freezing and thawing
- Improving cryoprotectants to allow the reversible cryopreservation of increasingly complex organisms
- Understanding the concept of consciousness, determining brain sections responsible for consciousness and the processes underlying it
- Identifying the connection between electrochemical and biochemical processes and a person's thought process
- Restoring memories using biological data about brain activity
- Recording the restored memories into the neural network
- Reversible cryopreservation of mammals
- Improving methods of extracting information from a frozen brain
- Treating brain damage using nanobots
- Restoring the personalities of cryocompanies' clients

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